Phone addiction is one of the major issues of today's generation they use the phone all day. thereby ignoring all the necessary activities such as studies, work, and other responsibilities which is not good.
Considering this issue, the Google creative lab released an app called "Unlock Clock" What this app does is it counts the number of times you unlock your phone use it to you like your wallpaper.
This app helps you to know how many times you unlock your phone. which is the same as how many times you get distracted by the notifications of your phone. This app will help you to reduce your phone usage so let's get started
How to install and setup unlock clock
- Firstly go to the Play Store and download the unlock clock app.
- After you install the app, it will not show you the open button as any other apps do.
- Instead, you have to set it in the wallpapers menu
- Goto phone settings > display > wallpaper > live wallpapers
- in the live wallpapers option, you will see the unlock lock option
- Click on it and set it as wallpaper
- If prompted choose the home screen and lock screen both.
- After you do do this go back to the home screen, yeah you will see a big zero i.e 0 which is the counter to count the number of times you unlock your phone.
- The number of times you unlock your phone counter will keep on increasing.
This app will help you to reduce your phone usage so that you can use that precious time in achieving your goals to become successful in life.
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Android Apps