5 Cool things you can do with JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most used web scripting languages Around the world. It is super dynamic and provides a lot of flexibility. JavaScript has evolved from being a language just used for on-page validation to a language much more than that!. Yes! You can do almost anything with JavaScript now. So let's look at 5 cool things you can do with JavaScript.

#1 Create Animations

You can create some stunning animations with JavaScript. The word "stunning" i used here is absolutely right here! Yes, it allows you to create mind-blowing Animations just by using simple typical JavaScript or by using some third party advanced JavaScript animation libraries.

These libraries allow you to create some stunning JavaScript animations which you can use on your websites to enhance the user experience.

Some of the popular JavaScript animation libraries are:
This is my favorite javascript animation library.  It lets you Animate almost anything on the web page. Consider it be an image or an SVG it can animate almost everything. This library is getting popular day by day. 

  • Tree.Js
This is another popular JavaScript animation library that lets you create some really interactive animations user interface that is cross-compatible across devices.

  • Typed.js
This JavaScript animation library allows you to create typing animation which looks super cool. It is very simple and easy to use. Adding this to your website can give it a creative look.

#2 Add Dynamism to your website

JavaScript is always known for adding dynamism to the website.  Developers use JavaScript to make the page dynamic. Ajax is one of the most used methods to implement this. A basic example of dynamic web pages is getting a result of a student by entering the roll number without refreshing the page.

Many websites use Ajax to make the web page content dynamic. this improves user experience. and users love such sites. Ajax is simple and easy to implement.  if you know javascript well, then you can implement Ajax with Ease

#3 Create Android Apps

Do you know that now you can create some stunning Android apps using JavaScript? Yes! It's possible. there are various frameworks that let you create first-class Android apps with ease. Examples of such frameworks are: 

  • Apache Cordova,
  • PhoneGap,
  • jQuery Mobile
  •  Ionic
  • Angular mobile UI,
  • React Native 

This gives developers a benefit that, they can use their existing knowledge of HTML CSS and JavaScript to create Android apps. this apps look and feel the same as an Android App developed natively.

#4 Create web Apps

This is another advantage of using JavaScript. JavaScript has evolved so much that you can now create a complete web app using JavaScript.web App developed using JavaScript can have some advanced features and will be accessed using URL.
Such web apps are very popular among users. as  web apps are just a URL away and they don't have to install a dedicated app to access those features

#5 Create Tools

JavaScript supports various API's. This enables developers to create different tools using different APIs. An example could be A tool that shows weather reports by fetching the data from a weather forecasting company using their API.

JavaScript also supports Google APIs through which you can develop Apps or tools that have Google Services such as Google maps, google sign in Etc.

You can do many more things with JavaScript. if you are starting with your web development career you should definitely consider learning JavaScript. It will make your life easy.

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